Parking Space Rental

Rental and Price

We offer rental of parking spaces with electric outlets at Antti Korpin tie 4, 00600 Helsinki. Agreement is on an indefinite basis. Credit information will be checked as well.

  • Parking space with electric outlet: €30 / month 

Parking is only allowed in designated parking spaces. Parking enforcement is managed by Parkkipate Ltd.

Termination of Parking Space Rental 

The notice period for terminating a parking space agreement is one full calendar month. When terminating, please provide your contact information, registration number, and the number of your parking space.  

You can terminate the parking space agreement via email: 

Parking Space Rental 

Parking Space Rental

AnttiKorppi Student House has great publi transportation onnetions
to Helsinki ity enter/Uni,ersity of Helsinki, Kumpula ampus and
Viikki ampus.

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