Cleaning instructions


Let's keep it tidy

Maintaining a clean and tidy living space is essential for a comfortable and healthy environment. Tenants are asked to take care of the main cleaning of their apartment. Proper cleaning helps maintain the apartment in good condition, and we appreciate your efforts in keeping the space well-maintained. Please note that any damage caused by insufficient cleaning may result in repair charges. 

Follow these guidelines to ensure a pleasant living experience for everyone.

Moving out?

Before moving out, please make sure to complete the checklist provided. This helps ensure that your room is in good condition for the next student, and fulfilling these tasks is essential to receive your security deposit back. If you have any questions or need assistance, we’re here to help.

Cleaning schedule

Cleaning of the common areas of the shared apartments is carried out once a month, in addition to cleaning the shared living room of the shared apartments once a week. Cleaning is carried out only on free surfaces.

Cleaning schedule for shared apartment common areas: 

  • 1st full week of the month: Staircase A
  • 2nd week of the month: Staircase B
  • 3rd week of the month: Staircase C
  • 4th week of the month: Staircase D

Cleaning instructions

Below are some general cleaning guidelines to keep your room and shared spaces in top condition. By following these instructions, you’ll contribute to a clean and welcoming environment for everyone.




Three times a year

Cleaning instructions

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