Exploring nature in Finland

Exploring nature in Finland

If you’re an exchange student staying at Antti Korppi Student House in Helsinki, you’re not only in a prime location for studying but also perfectly positioned to explore the natural wonders Finland has to offer. Finns are known for their deep connection to nature, and they spend a lot of time outdoors—hiking, foraging for berries and mushrooms, and simply enjoying the peace that comes with being surrounded by forests and lakes. As a resident of Antti Korppi, you’ll have easy access to some of the best nature spots in and around Helsinki.

Why Finns love nature

In Finland, nature isn’t just something to visit—it’s a way of life. Whether it’s winter, summer, or the vibrant autumn season, you’ll find Finns out and about, exploring the forests and lakes. One of the most beloved pastimes, especially during the summer and early autumn, is berry and mushroom picking. In late summer, you can join the locals in foraging blueberries, lingonberries, and mushrooms like chanterelles. This tradition is part of the “Everyman’s Right,” a law that allows everyone to roam freely in the forests and fields, whether to hike or pick wild foods.

Natural escapes close to Antti Korppi Student House

Located in Koskela, Antti Korppi Student House offers easy access to both urban and natural environments. Here are some nearby nature spots you can explore:


      1. Lammassaari: Just a short bike ride away from your student accommodation in Helsinki is Lammassaari, an island located in the Viikki area. It’s a nature lover’s dream, with peaceful walking trails, birdwatching opportunities, and beautiful wooden boardwalks across the wetlands. In the autumn, the colors here are spectacular as the leaves turn gold and red.

      1. Pikkukoski Beach: If you want a quick escape for a swim or a quiet day by the water, Pikkukoski Beach is close to Antti Korppi. This hidden gem is a popular spot for locals, offering a sandy beach and opportunities to swim in the natural waters of the Vantaa River.

      1. Saarihyppely: island hopping From Helsinki’s bustling center, you can hop on a ferry and explore some of the city’s beautiful islands. Suomenlinna, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is the most famous, with its historical sea fortress and scenic views. For a more relaxed day out, you can visit some lesser-known islands like Lonna, Vallisaari, or Pihlajasaari, accessible via the JT-Line ferries. These islands offer quiet walks, beaches, and picnic areas.

    Day trips for the adventurous

    If you’re willing to venture a bit further, there are plenty of larger nature reserves just a short trip from the city center.


        1. Nuuksio National Park: One of Finland’s most popular national parks, Nuuksio, is just a 45-minute bus ride from central Helsinki. This vast park is perfect for hiking, camping, and even spotting wildlife like flying squirrels. In autumn, Nuuksio becomes a forager’s paradise, with mushrooms and berries waiting to be picked.

        1. Sipoonkorpi National Park: A bit closer to Helsinki, Sipoonkorpi National Park offers scenic forests, rocky cliffs, and peaceful lakes. It’s an ideal destination for a day hike, and it’s not as crowded as some of the more well-known parks, making it perfect for those who seek solitude.

      Exploring nature as part of Finnish culture

      While staying at Antti Korppi Student House, you’ll notice that nature is deeply intertwined with Finnish culture. For many Finns, escaping into nature is a way to relax, recharge, and connect with something bigger. Whether it’s forest bathing (a Japanese concept that’s become popular in Finland) or simply enjoying the fresh air, spending time in nature is seen as essential for well-being.

      In addition to hiking and foraging, Finns love to enjoy their natural surroundings through activities like canoeing, cycling, and winter sports like cross-country skiing when the snow falls. And don’t forget the sauna—many saunas are located by lakes, and it’s common to take a dip in the water after heating up in the sauna!

      Why Antti Korppi Student House is perfect for nature lovers

      Living at Antti Korppi Student House offers you the best of both worlds. You’re close to Helsinki’s vibrant city life but also surrounded by beautiful parks, forests, and rivers that make Finland so special. Whether you’re looking for a quiet place to study outdoors, a jogging route through the woods, or a full weekend adventure in one of Finland’s national parks, it’s all within your reach.

      If you’d like to rent a car from Antti Korppi Student House, either on your own or with your neighbors, read more here. These cars are the perfect choice for those seeking effortless driving and enjoyable highway experiences. And best of all, you don’t have to worry about finding parking, as the cars have their own spots in the student house parking lot.

      So, grab your backpack, lace up your hiking boots, and get ready to explore the incredible nature that surrounds you. The Finnish wilderness is calling—are you ready to answer?